Saturday, February 6, 2010


Manfaat Utama :

1. Memperbaiki sistem kekebalan tubuh, sesuai untuk mereka yang sering sakit.
2. Baik untuk penyakit kronik, asma,batuk dan penyakit saluran pernafasan.
3. Memperbaiki fungsi metabolisme ginjal, bersikap dingin terhadap seks(wanita).
4. Meningkatkan kemampuan seksual.

Cordyceps sinensis

• Relieve asthma and other respiratory disease
• Improves kidney functions, promotes health and longevity
• Enhances sexual abilities
• Strengthens and improves body immune system, especially for weak persons
• Prevents cancers and control tumor growth

Main Ingredients:

Cordyceps sinensis powder

Recommended Dosage:

2 times daily, each time 1 - 2 capsules to be taken with lukewarm water before meal

Enhances Internal Energy - Revives VitalityDong Chong Cao Plus Capsule contains a lot of active substances such as amino acid, polysaccharide, cordycepin, cordycepic acid, ergosterol , adenosine, SOD (superoxide dismutase) and trace elements. This product that is made from all natural herbal plants can help to regulate our immunity system. It does not contain any hormones or any other hormone substances. It is also essential for internal secretion regulation and improvement of kidney function.

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